Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Drop-Thru Code Considered Harmful

Recently, I was describing my frustrations with some Python code that had been written by a now-departed co-worker.  I describe this code as "Drop-Thru Code".  The main characteristic is that it uses module scope for a non-trivial number of variables.

Module scope is functionally almost-global.  That is, it's so close to global you'll want to use it, but it's far enough away that you'll end up shooting yourself in the foot.

Consider this code snippet:

#!/bin/env python2.6
import os
import sys
varname = 33
vardict = { 'a' : 44 }
# other imports here
print "Starting!"
def something():
print "thing", varname
print "next"
print "end"

This is what I call drop-thru code.  All the variables are global, and the call to something() will fail because varname is out of scope.

Contrast this with what I prefer, well-encapsulated code:

#!/bin/env python2.6
import os
import sys

class SomeThing(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.varname = 33 
    def something(self):
        print "thing", self.varname
    def main(self):
        self.vardict = { 'a' : 44 }
        # other imports here
        print "Starting!"
        print "next"
        print "end" 

st = SomeThing()

Nothing is global, it's obvious what the scope for things is.  Clean, beautiful, easy to understand.

There are lots of examples of scope problems.  I created this one for my team so they understood my frustration:

outside = 1
def function1():
        print "f1 outside: %s" % (outside)
        outside += 1
        print "no outside in function1."
print "a outside: %s" % (outside)
print "b outside: %s" % (outside)
def function2():
    global outside
        print "f2 outside: %s" % (outside)
        outside += 1
        print "no outside in function2"
class Dum(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "dum instantiated."
    def main(self):
        print "Dum main outside: %s" % (outside)
    def changeOutside(self, inval):
        outside = inval
        print "Dum changed: outside: %s" % (outside)
    def changeGlobalOutside(self, inval):
        global outside
        outside = inval
        print "Dum changed: outside: %s" % (outside)
d = Dum()
print "c outside: %s" % (outside)
print "d outside: %s" % (outside)
print "e outside: %s" % (outside)
print "f outside: %s" % (outside)
krice4@zaphod:~/checkouts/userSandboxes/krice4$ python scopeTest.py 
a outside: 1
no outside in function1.
b outside: 1
f2 outside: 1
f2 outside: 2
dum instantiated.
c outside: 3
Dum main outside: 3
d outside: 3
Dum changed: outside: 33
e outside: 3
Dum main outside: 3
Dum changed: outside: 44
Dum main outside: 44
f outside: 44

In short, Drop-Thru Code is considered harmful.  It allows for lots of scope problems that show up as bugs and frustrations later.  So, avoid them.  Put all the vars you can in a class and invoke that class, you'll be glad you did.  IMHO.

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