I've just been having a spot of trouble with Robot Framework and :FOR loops. The darn thing wouldn't recognize that the loop contained anything.
Turns out, the problem is due to my using a .TXT file (text file with space delimited format). The :FOR loop didn't know how to parse the leading spaces into two empty columns. It had to presume there was one. With only one, the FOR loop contents were empty.
This always leads to an error: "FOR loop contains no keywords".
The solution for this is to just use pipe delimiters for that keyword. For instance, consider:
| Then I should see that it is below "${critical_value}" |
| | Log | In ThenIShouldSeethatItIsBelow keyword now. |
| | ${table_lines}= | Get Lines Containing String | ${full_output} | Table ${table} is served by |
| | Should Not Be Empty | ${table_lines} |
| | @{lines}= | Split To Lines | ${table_lines} |
| | :FOR | ${line} | IN | @{lines} |
| | | Log | havealine ${line} now. |
| | | ${value}= | Fetch From Right | ${line} | ${SPACE} |
| | | Convert To Integer | ${value} |
| | | Should Be True | ${value} <= ${critical_value} |
| | Log | ending ThenIShouldSeethatItIsBelow now. |
This allows the pipe delimiter to do its work. A more succinct example is:
| *Setting* | *Value* |
| Library | OperatingSystem |
| *Variable* | *Value* |
| ${MESSAGE} | Hello, world! |
| *Test Case* | *Action* | *Argument* |
| My Test | [Documentation] | Example test |
| | Log | ${MESSAGE} |
| | My Keyword | /tmp |
| Another Test | Should Be Equal | ${MESSAGE} | Hello, world! |
| TestTwo |
| | Log | \nStarting | WARN |
| | MyForLoop |
| | Log | \nEnding | WARN |
| *Keyword* |
| My Keyword | [Arguments] | ${path}
| | Directory Should Exist | ${path}
| MyForLoop |
| | Log | In myforloop now. | WARN |
| | @{gvar}= | Create List | a | b | c |
| | Log | gvar is @{gvar} now. | WARN |
| | :FOR | ${x} | in | @{gvar} |
| | | Log | havealine ${x} now. | WARN |
| | Log | ending myforloop now. | WARN |
Enjoy your newfound power and use it responsibly. Or not.